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Personal Stories and Memories

  This part of the website is about the people of Burngreave and the many stories they tell of their lives. Some of them were written by individuals, some were adapted from interviews and some are transcripts from oral history interviews. This information is given at the bottom of each story.

Many residents have been born and bred in Burngreave and describe vividly what it was like to grow up, get married and take part in community life here. Others have moved from different countries and tell stories about going to school or growing up elsewhere and then settling in Burngreave. You can read their stories in the sections at home and family life, school days, weddings and courtship, community, and comings and goings.

Being so close to the steel works that made Sheffield famous, there is still a close connection between Burngreave and this industry. In work you can read and listen to tales of working lives. They include memories of working in a steel foundry and in factories like Bachelors. You can also find out about some of the jobs people now do in this area.

War has had a big impact on the lives of many people living in Burngreave. In war time many people describe their experiences of living through the Second World War. Other more recent arrivals to Burngreave tell stories of how they left their home country and came here as refugees.

The stories and photographs in this part of the website have been collected in several ways. Some people wrote their own stories, others were interviewed and recorded for an oral history project and other stories came from articles written for the Burngreave Messenger.