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  Burngreave is a place with a strong sense of community and where solidarity has been important for many years. Examples of this range from conventional political meetings held in the Vestry Hall back in the early 1900s to a local campaign in 2004 to prevent asylum seekers being deported. This has possibly arisen from a history of working class activism linked to the steel industry. Traditionally the churches were also involved in a profusion of community activity during the 1900s. Linked to this was a strong sense of pride and belonging which persists today.

The sense of community has evolved, and now in the 21st century there is a much wider collection of activities and groups, reflecting the enormous diversity of the area. Many of the different ethnic minorities have organised their own campaigns to get recognition of their contribution, to the city of Sheffield through their labour. In other situations, people have come together from all backgrounds to set up ventures such as an adventure playground, a credit union or local housing associations to provide better facilities and services in the area

The excerpts included in this section give a flavour of some types of community activity going on in the area at the moment, the people involved in them and their motivations. They also include stories of the role of churches within the local community and the development of a strong black community organization, SADACCA.