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Janice Gear


A holiday in Torquay, 1964

Black and white photograph of Janice and Tony Gear on holiday in Torquay, 1964.
Janice and Tony on holiday together in Torquay, 1964 © Janice Gear


Burngreave resident Janice Gear describes her first holiday with her boyfriend, Tony, in 1964. She was interviewed by Nikky Wilson in July 2006.

This photograph was taken in October 1964, when Tony, my then boyfriend, and I went on holiday to Torquay. Now it might seem a fairly mundane destination but back in the 60s we thought of it as 'somewhere exotic', all those palm trees! Before then, I had only been to Cleethorpes and other local seaside towns, never further afield. I was around 20 at the time, we weren't married yet and Tony and I had separate bedrooms. My father left us down at the coach station in the centre of Sheffield (Sheffield United Tours was the company we had booked with) and there was an old lady on the trip from our no misbehaving on the journey!

From an interview with Burngreave resident, Janice Gear, July 2006.