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Thomas Fox


Pitsmoor School


I was about the last pupil at the school. It closed on 26 October 1944, my 14th birthday. We had a bit of a party as Mr Atkinson, the headteacher, read out our names and the schools we had been allocated. When he had finished the school was empty except for myself and, I believe, Helen Talbot.

As we had reached 14 years we had to start work. It was a grim prospect. I was so happy living and playing in that area. I found that having to work at a steelworks as an office boy was not for me and I joined the Army as a Boy soldier.

I remember the names of my friends and their families to this day and if any of them ever read this I send them my best wishes. I attended a few school reunions and met many of them again including some of the teachers. I don't think I would recognise the area now.

Thomas Fox
In 1944. 287 Pitsmoor Rd