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Spital Hill


Stone detail above the archway on Spital Hill

Colour photograph of an old fashioned advert painted on to a wall
Old painted advert partially covered with plaster © Carl Rose

Black and white photograph of the exterior of the Lodge Inn on Spital Hill
The front of the Lodge Inn in the early 1900s, showing a line of wooden arches © Picture Sheffield, Sheffield Libraries

As you travel up Spital Hill, you pass the old 'Lodge Inn' building on the left hand side of the road. At one time it became a motorcycle shop. Although it is almost derelict now, you can still see some of the fine old wooden arches above the windows and imagine the building in its former glory.

Just after the doorway leading up to the offices of Mama East Africa Women's Group, there is an archway with floral rosettes carved in stone above it. Immediately to the left of this, on an angled slab, is an old painted advert for car parts This was once covered in plaster but is now being slowly revealed.