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A group of adults in front of two artworks in a gallery A group of adults in front of two artworks in a gallery

© Andy Brown

© Andy Brown

Sheffield Museums is governed by a board of voluntary Trustees.

Our Trustees 

  • Neil MacDonald – Chair
  • Patrick Abel
  • Darren Chouings
  • Maxine Greaves
  • Lindsey Green
  • Cate McDonald
  • Richard McGloin
  • Martin Singer
  • Imogen Gamester
  • Angus Patterson
  • Stephan Hollingshead
  • Daniel Ladbury
  • Julie Banham


Associate Trustees

  • Kitty Turner
  • Adrian Kilanga
  • Dawn Peet

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Sheffield Museums is a charity. Your support helps keep your museums open and free for everyone to enjoy.

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