Sheffield was one of the 12 cities that hosted the Baton of Hope relay in 2023, supporting the work of the national charity to help change the way suicide is seen, talked about and treated. And for 2024, Sheffield hosted the successful national conference including the launch of the workplace charter.
While the relay is moving onto a new set of towns and cities in 2025, the Sheffield Friends of the Baton of Hope are hosting a walk with friends, as long or short as works for you, against the backdrop of a celebration of music and other events. This will include a “golden lap” with the now famous Baton of Hope. The date marks the two-year anniversary of the successful relay; and the setting, the beautiful surrounds of Weston Park, one of our 2023 stops.
As with the relay, the Sheffield Friends of the Baton of Hope expect that visitors will make lasting friends and supportive contacts.
This event is organised by Sheffield Friends of the Baton of Hope. To contact them, please email

Image Credit Baton of Hope
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