Join us for hands-on creative fun for you and your little ones.
Whether it’s colouring, splashing, or getting stuck into some glorious gloop in an activity room, or discovering beastly bugs and playing instruments in the gallery, our under 5s sessions provide our youngest visitors the chance to explore their senses, get creative and sometimes make a little bit of a mess (don’t worry, you can leave the cleaning up to us).
Messy play activities – 28 Feb, 14 Mar, 28 Mar, 25 Apr, 9 May, 23 May, 13 Jun, 27 Jun, 11 Jul
Gallery based sessions – 7 Mar, 21 Mar, 18 Apr, 2 May, 16 May, 6 Jun, 20 Jun, 4 Jul, 18 Jul
Don't forget a change of clothes!
Examples of our sensory sessions include:
- creating cosy, soft spaces with rugs and cushions in the gallery, and reading stories, building animal homes out of cushions, or playing animal hide and seek
- handling materials with different textures, like wood, dry clay, fabrics, metals, and rough and smooth objects
- handling and playing with household objects like colanders, kitchen tools, brushes, and keys
Examples of our messy play activities include:
- mud play with clay
- freestyle clay modelling
- cornflour gloop
- paint colour mixing
- rice and lentil digging
- water and sea creatures
Please note all children must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Join us every Friday during term time.
Suggested donation £3 – Please donate if you're able and help keep your museums open and available for everyone to enjoy.