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Plan your visitFrom crafting bonanzas to live computer coding, our Lates are a night out with a difference.
We recognise that the needs and interests of our visitors differ, so we work to create a wide range of events that cater to our different audiences. Museum Lates are a specific strand of our programme created for adults.
These after-hours social events across are designed to encourage our adult visitors to try new skills and experiment through participation, play and hands-on learning. We understand that some adults are less inclined to take part in play-based learning activities if children are present, feeling the opportunity to play is not intended for them. We recognise that play continues to be an important part of learning in adulthood, as and such, have developed Lates as a space where adults can participate in a fun, friendly and judgement-free environment. This, coupled with the fact that some of our Lates also include a bar or have mature themes or settings, means each of our Late events has a lower age limit of 16 or 18 years.
Lates span a wide range of themes and topics, often bringing together activities, talks, performance, demonstrations, music and more, along with a pay bar. Each take a playful yet considered approach to the subjects being explored, offering participants a good night out a meaningful opportunity to try something new.
Look out for our upcoming Lates in our What’s On listings