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A series of specimen slides presenting natural science specimens in circular apertures A series of specimen slides presenting natural science specimens in circular apertures

 Sheffield Museums cares for the city’s collections of art, human history, industry and science, and celebrates the stories they tell.

Here you can discover highlights from the collections, or  explore stories from across the museums, from the work that goes on behind the scenes to insights into the artists and makers on display.

Explore the Online Collections

You can explore some of the highlights of the collections below – search for the object, artist or term you’re interested in or click through browse the collections by subject.

You can also find out more about the collections, their history and how they are used here.  

Browse the Collections

Browse the collections by type or explore some of our Featured Collection themes

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A torso and hands of a person using a grinding wheel and creating sparks. In the background there is a workshop with tubing, switches and machinery.

Explore Museums Stories

Dig deeper into the museums and the stories they tell, from how artists and makers create their work to insights into how we care for the city’s collections.


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About the Collections

Find out more about the city’s collections, how we develop and care for them, how you can access them for research and information on using collection images.

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Help Care for the Collections

Sheffield Museums is a charity. Donate today and help us care for the collections and safeguard the city's heritage. 

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Weston Park Weather Station

Find out all about Weston Park Weather Station, one of the longest continuously recording climatological stations in the UK.


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